Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why A New Furnace Can Save You Money

Improvements in furnaces have increased dramatically over the past thirty years. Manufacturers have made great strides in their new products. 

Older furnaces installed in Maricopa county from the 1970's and 1980's had an AFUE of about 60%. This figure indicates how efficiently your furnace uses the fuel that it consumes, the higher the number, the better. Today's government mandated minimum is 78.5% and some furnaces have efficiency ratings as high as 96% AFUE.

Today's furnaces are built to operate more safely. There are numerous safety devices that prevent the equipment from coming on unless all components are functioning normally. There must be adequate air flow across the heat exchanger, the pilot must be lit, and all service access panels must be securely in place before power and gas will be supplied to the unit.

One innovative new feature available on furnaces is two-stage heat, which enables the furnace to change its output depending on demand from the thermostat. No longer are systems limited to one output level.

When heat is replaced in the house as evenly as it is lost (the temperature remains constant without big temperature swings) you are provided with optimum comfort. Additionally, when the furnace operates on "low", the fan motor will also run at a slower speed, ensuring warm delivery temperatures and quieter operation.

Another improvement is the variable speed fan motor. These motors perform under a wide variety of output requirements, depending on what the furnace is being tasked to do, high-fire, low-fire, cooling or to simply circulate air through the living space. They also use about 25% less electricity than traditional PSC fan motors.

A perfect example of these advances are found in the Carrier Infinity™ 96 Gas Furnace with its 96.6% AFUE rating and the QuiTech™ noise reduction Two-stage heating and Variable speed fan.  This unit will save hundreds in energy related costs.  A perfect retro fit or used in your new construction.

Aaron’s Mechanical Services wants you to stay comfortable all year round.  If your furnace, heating system or HVAC unit needs service or replacement please think of us and call at 623-388-4436 and we will come to you and solve your Heating Unit service needs.

Presented by;
Aaron’s Mechanical Services


  1. A new furnace will definitely be an expense, but one that will really save you money over time.

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