Monday, November 3, 2014

First No AC Day Since April

Here we are the 3rd day of November and yesterday is the first day since way back in April that the air conditioner didn’t run at all. Does that mean that Fall has officially arrived in the Phoenix Metro area? 

That sure sounds good to me. I guess it is too much to hope for that the cacti will soon be turning fall colors. 

All kidding aside, the Valley of the Sun has some of the best fall seasonal weather you can possibly ask for. We can all agree that the fall, winter, and spring weather and temperatures are the three big reasons we call this home. 

Now we do have very mild winters but for us, who are use to one-hundred-ten degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, find the need for a bit of toasty heat for many days during our late fall, winter and very early spring. 

Is your heat pump, HVAC or furnace ready for its winter job? Do you know or are you just hoping it is ready to go? 

Your system needs two tune-ups a year.  One to be ready for summer cooling and then one for the winter heating season. The sooner you get that done the better off you are. Don’t put it off.  Give Aaron’s Mechanical Services at 623-388-4436 to schedule your winter heating system tune-up. Don’t wait till the last minute. You could be left out in the cold, so to speak. 

Did You Know? 

Does the Phoenix Metro Area ever get below freezing? 

The record low is 16 degrees in January 1913 

The record low is 24 degrees in February 1993 

The record low is 25 degrees in March 1966 

The record low is 27 degrees in November 1931 

The record low is 22 degrees in December 1911 

The Phoenix Metro Area has never had a recorded day where the high was below freezing. The record Lowest High is 36 degrees in December 1898. 

Looking for fast and fair HVAC service or replacement? Aaron’s Mechanical Services wants you to stay comfortable all year round.  Most important we want you to spend the least amount of money possible while you stay comfortable. If your heat pump or HVAC unit needs service or replacement please think of us and call at 623-388-4436 and we will come to you and solve your cooling / heating unit’s service needs. 

Presented by; 
Aaron’s Mechanical Services 


  1. Thanks for sharing this useful post. It covers a lot about how we can increase the AC efficiency by following some small steps. Get your air conditioning repair in Palm Desert if it has some critical issues.

  2. Great blog! The thoughts you have mentioned here are amazing. At Henderson AC, they provide one of the best AC repair in Corpus Christi to your doorstep at the affordable prices.
