Thursday, April 17, 2014

Are Extended Warranties For Air Conditioners A Good Idea?

The quick, short answers is “It all depends on the cost, terms and conditions. The real test comes in how your service or repair is handled when you need them. 

Sooner or later we all face that time when the factory warranty expires on your air conditioner or HVAC unit comes to an end.  What to do about future repairs?   Make no mistake about it your AC unit is going to need both routine maintenance and emergency repairs.  

Here in the Valley of the Sun, a typical year will mean one-hundred to one-hundred and forty days where you air conditioner will need to be running.

On a hot summer day, you know the one, when temperatures are running one-hundred-fourteen and that’s in the shade and you are told that they can’t work you in until tomorrow or the next day.

When you have an extended warranty you seldom can select the company that does your service work.  Can that be an issue? The company that offers the plan must make a profit to stay in business and that means they hire a service company who will work for the very least amount of money.  Will that company have experienced technicians or will they be ones that are just out of school. Or will they have gone to school at all.

One consideration is the monthly cost of your extended service plan.  If you pay just under twenty dollars a month for a plan with a modest deductible you will find that after three years you will have paid nearly four hundred dollars.  That could have covered several service calls.

Many times these plans are sold with tales of disastrous bill to cover a complete failure of your HVAC system.  Be very careful of the terms of these extended service contracts.  What can they use to exclude your repair from being covered?  If you forget to call them to do routine service will that violate a requirement and the failure be blamed on you and hence not covered.

Some HVAC salesmen push extended warranties because they’re so profitable to the company that sells them. They’re banking on the fact that your equipment is unlikely to break down before the extended warranty expires. If they’re banking on it, maybe you should, too, and save your money.   

Some companies even pay their contractors extra if they can talk homeowners into buying extended warranties. And if you buy an extended warranty from someone other than the manufacturer, it’s possible that the manufacturer won’t honor it. That means you have to pay for the repair yourself and then try to get reimbursed by the company that sold you the warranty.

These extended service contracts are a perfect example of “Buyer Beware!”

Looking for fast and fair HVAC service? Aaron’s Mechanical Services wants you to stay comfortable all year round.  Most important we want you to spend the least amount of money possible while you stay comfortable. If your air conditioning system or HVAC unit needs service or replacement please think of us and call at 623-388-4436 and we will come to you and solve your cooling Unit’s service needs.

Presented by;
Aaron’s Mechanical Service


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