Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Saving Money On Utility Bills in Phoenix AZ

For the Valley of the Sun February has been a month with little or no need for either heating or cooling expenses. It is nice to save money on our utility bills and when the temperature is so moderate that you need neither heating or cooling and you only use electricity for lighting and cooking (OK, maybe water heating too).  If you are a Southwest Gas company customer you sure haven’t needed much natural gas for heating as even our nighttime temperatures have been moderate as well.

Now the Phoenix Metro area can look forward to our Spring and Summer seasons. You know that if your air conditioner or HVAC system is tuned-up and running efficiently you can save money even when we are running daytime high temperatures at one hundred degrees Fahrenheit and above (yes even well above 100 degrees).

Your AC unit will use far less electricity when it is running at peak efficiency. That can happen when you keep your’s serviced every year.

A very important aspect to consider is the age of your air conditioner.  If the AC unit on your home is more than ten years old you may want to consider a newer more efficient one. You will hear the term SEER and the higher the SEER number the less electricity you will use to keep your home cool.

The cost benefit trade-off is the cost of the new unit versus how much money you will save so you can understand the time till the payoff really starts to save you money. 

Energy Star models use 15% less energy than other new models, and up to 30% less than models ten years old. 

Whatever system you get, look at the energy ratings (SEER for central systems and the EER rating for window units). The higher, the better. SEER 13 are 30% more efficient than SEER 10.

In the Phoenix Metro Area Air Conditioning can be 70-80% of your summer electric bill, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Consider these two ideas to help reduce your summer cooling costs.

Reduce Heat From Lighting:
Lights create a lot of heat which your AC system has to remove. Replace your lights with compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs, which use 75% less energy and create 70-90% less heat at the same time. Regular lights give off 10% light and 90% heat, while CFL's give off 90% light and 10% heat.

Reduce Heat From Cooking:
Any heat you create from cooking has to be removed by your AC. Reduce cooking heat by using a microwave oven. (Microwaves are cheaper to operate than gas or electric ovens anyway.) 

Aaron’s Mechanical Services wants you to stay comfortable all year round.  Most important we want you to spend the least amount of money possible while you stay comfortable. If your furnace, heating system or HVAC unit needs service or replacement please think of us and call at 623-388-4436 and we will come to you and solve your Heating Unit service needs.

Presented by;
Aaron’s Mechanical Services

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