Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Did You Use Your AC Yesterday?

Are you one of the people who used their AC for the very first time this year.  Was Monday the day that you moved your thermostat to the “Cool” setting for this cooling season?  Did you hold your breath waiting to find out if your air conditioner was going to work?

Do you know that even if your AC was up and running and cooling your home for this low 90 degree day that doesn’t mean that it will work efficiently when the temperatures are pushing 115 degrees plus later on this summer.

There are very few places in the world that expect that their air conditioners to handle temperatures of over 110 degrees for more than 10 days straight, but Phoenix Arizona is one of the very few.

In the U.S. the desert around Phoenix, the Palm Springs CA area and Death Valley CA rank right up there with Phoenix itself.  Many people think of Texas and New Mexico as also being hot and they are, but they never reach and hold the high temperature that the Valley of the Sun does.

Without a properly maintained Air Conditioner keeping cool in Phoenix can see electric bills north of $500 a month during the summer months.  Yet a simple tune up can save your hundreds of dollars over the year.

A tune-up can lead to more than a reduction in your electric bill.  It will mean you are more comfortable this cooling season.  The last thing you want to happen is that your AC Unit to fail and leave you sweating or worse on a day when the temperatures push over 100 degrees.

So, even if you are cooling off now with the afternoon running over 90 degrees, don’t wait till your AC stops as the afternoon temps pass the century mark. 

A real Phoenix related heat tip: Cotton clothing will help keep you cooler than most synthetics.

Need AC repair or replacement?  Give Aaron’s Mechanical Service a call and let us help you get your AC running again! 

Call 623-388-4436

Brought to you by;
Aaron’s Mechanical Services

1 comment:

  1. You have nicely explained everything about AC system. If you are searching for air conditioning replacement in Lexington, KY, then contact Southern Comfort Heating & Cooling.
