Thursday, October 10, 2013

There is a Bit of Fall in the Air

I don’t know about you but when I got up this morning and it was in the low fifties with a soft rain falling I knew Fall had truly arrived. Yes, it will be back in the eighties for the next ten days or so.  But, you have to enjoy fall in the desert southwest, when and where you can.

Over the next two weeks or so would be the best time to get your HVAC system converted over and ready for the heat you will need for the next four or five months.  Don’t wait till it is really cold and everyone is trying to find anyone to come and help.

Now you have the time to pick and choose the “right” company to get your heating system ready to do its job.  At Aaron’s Mechanical Service we are ready (most importantly – qualified) to work with your heating system. It can be HVAC combination or a stand-alone furnace.  It doesn’t matter if it is natural gas, propane or electric, it is right up our alley (so to speak).  We have been servicing these units here in the Valley of the Sun since 1994. 

Is it time to consider a whole house air filtration system? Do you suffer from airborne allergies? Wew can install a Trane system that will help and make you more comfortable.

Highest Efficiency
Standard air cleaners have filters that are very dense, so they stop the dust by trapping it in a slightly porous filter. The fewer the pores the more dust it can trap. However, this not only stops the dust and dirt, but it also stops the air from moving as well. So you may not be as comfortable, and less air is cleaned efficiently. This is called pressure drop. The revolutionary Trane CleanEffects™ air filtration system has the lowest pressure drop with the highest efficiency possible.

Small Particles, Large Effects
Particles like dust, smoke and bacteria are often .3 microns or less. At that size, allergens can get deep into your lungs because they aren’t filtered well by your nose and throat. An effective whole-house air cleaner, such as Trane CleanEffects™, can reduce the presence of potential asthma and allergy attack triggers in your home, like dust, pollen, pet hair and dander, dust mites, mildew, lint, fungus, most tobacco smoke, cooking grease, and even bacteria.

Patented Innovation
Trane CleanEffects utilizes patented, breakthrough air cleaning technology to remove up to an astounding 99.98% of airborne allergens from the air that passes through the filter. It catches particles as small as .1 micron, making it 8 times more effective than even the best HEPA room filters and up to 100 times more effective than a standard 1" filter.

At Aaron’s Mechanical Service we want you to stay comfortable all year round.  If your HVAC unit needs service or replacement please think of us and call at 623-388-4436 and we will come to you and solve your air conditioning service needs.

Presented by;
Aaron’s Mechanical Service

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