Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reflective Window Tint For Your Home

We all know that adding reflective window tint to your car will help it stay cooler in the summer heat.  But does it work for your home as well?

The answer depends on the size of your windows, the percentage amount of your total area facing both south and west as well as the type, age and condition of your windows.

If you have large single pane windows that are well sealed (caulked) then, other than replacement, the only thing you can add to the glass to reduce solar heat gain is reflective window tint.  The reduction of heat and light will depend on the type and denseness (or darkness) of the film.

Here is what 3M says about their product; Residential window tint adds sun control and privacy without sacrificing style. 3M Window Films are some of the best window films for reducing hot spots and glare while also yielding energy savings and UV protection. Home window tinting reduces fading and provides UV protection. 3M safety films improve window safety from attempted break-ins and severe weather.

Windows let in the light and offer beautiful views. But the sunlight they invite in can also cause hot spots and severe fading of your furnishings. And during storms or in the event of a break-in, windows are the most vulnerable points in your home. 3M Window Films are designed to reject solar heat, reduce fading, and they can add a valuable layer of protection to your home.

3M™ Sun Control Window Films

• Energy savings: reduce cooling costs by up to 30%

• Fade reduction: block up to 99% of harmful UV rays to reduce fading of furnishings and carpet

• Sun control: improve comfort and maintain temperature consistency from one room to another

• Glare reduction: improve television and computer screen viewing

3M™ Safety & Security Window Films

• Crime prevention: impedes quick entry through windowpanes and glass doors

• Severe weather and accident protection: helps hold panes in place to minimize flying glass due to violent weather or accidents

• Available in clear safety film or with a tinted sun control option

Need AC repair or replacement?  Give Aaron’s Mechanical Services a call and let us help you get your AC running again!

Call 623-388-4436

Brought to you by;
Aaron’s Mechanical Service


  1. You shared the best information .I like it
    Commercial Window Tinting

  2. I have been using 3m for 23 years and it is the best film you can buy. 3m is a world leader in window film technology. I wish there were more blogs like this to educate the public about the difference in window films.
    We have a few blogs that you might like to read.
    Post a comment if you would like.

  3. Nice post!! It is great idea of reflection window tint.Window tint is useful at any time.Window Film is a retrofit upgrade that is generally installed to flat glass in existing buildings.
