Monday, December 22, 2014

Aaron’s Mechanical Services Looks At Christmas Week

Are you ready for Christmas?  No, I’m not talking about shopping.  I’m talking about the temperature dropping into the thirties. Several days will see lows that will drop well below forty degrees Fahrenheit.  I don’t think any nights will hit that magic 32 degrees and we can say freezing.

A furnace or heat pump is going to come in handy, Is yours ready?  Are you sure? What will the cost be to keep your home warm and toasty? 

When your children get up early to see what Santa has left will they have to bundle up first or will they wake up to a comfortable warm home? A quick call to Aaron’s Mechanical Services at 623-388-4436 will make sure they are cozy as they open their gifts.

Only you can give them that warm gift.

Did You Know?

The custom of sending Christmas cards was started in the UK in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole. He was a civil servant (Government worker) who was very interested in the new 'Public Post Office' and wondered how it could be used more by ordinary people.

Sir Henry had the idea of Christmas Cards with his friend John Horsley, who was an artist. They designed the first card and sold them for 1 shilling each. (That is only 5p or 8 cents today(!), but in those days it was worth much more.) The card had three panels. The outer two panels showed people caring for the poor and in the center panel was a family having a large Christmas dinner! Some people didn't like the card because it showed a child being given a glass of wine! About 1000 (or it might have been less!) were printed and sold. They are now very rare and cost thousands of Pounds or Dollars to buy now!

The first postal service that ordinary people could use was started in 1840 when the first 'Penny Post' public postal deliveries began. Before that, only very rich people could afford to send anything in the post. The new Post Office was able to offer a Penny stamp because new railways were being built. These could carry much more post than the horse and carriage that had been used before. Also, trains could go a lot faster. Cards became even more popular in the UK when they could be posted in an unsealed envelope for one halfpenny - half the price of an ordinary letter.

As printing methods improved, Christmas cards became much more popular and were produced in large numbers from about 1860. In 1870 the cost of sending a post card, and also Christmas cards, dropped to half a penny. This meant even more people were able to send cards.

An engraved card by the artist William Egley, who illustrated some of Charles Dickens's books, is on display in the British Museum. By the early 1900s, the custom had spread over Europe and had become especially popular in Germany.

Are you looking for fast and fair Heating Service or Repair? Aaron’s Mechanical Services wants you to stay comfortable all year round.  Most important we want you to spend the least amount of money possible while you stay comfortable. If your Heating system or HVAC unit needs service or replacement please think of us and call at 623-388-4436 and we will come to you and solve your Heating System service needs.

Presented by;
Aaron’s Mechanical Services

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