Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our Lows Are Your Highs

Summer is always known for high temperatures, that is a given. But here in the Valley of the Sun the Phoenix Metro area’s night time lows are often the daytime high for most of the country.  Yes, our night time lows are often in the high eighties to the mid-nineties.

That means that even during the night your air conditioner is running just as much and working just as hard to keep you cool as most AC units are running during peak afternoon heat in the rest of the country.  We have a much different need for Air Conditioning here in the Phoenix area than all but a very few areas in the US.

In the average summer climate for most of the country they need cooling for a few hours during peak afternoon heating.  By contrast here in Phoenix our AC Units must run every hour of the day to keep us cool and comfortable.  This happens even in well insulated homes.  It is not uncommon for the temperature to exceed 90 degrees for 20 hours every day for 110 days per year.  In some cases that happens for twenty days in a row at a time.

While a few days during the summer we get (usually storm related) an average high that will be in the nineties and not over the century mark.  During those days the night time low may be in the high seventies.  The exception is when the cloud cover holds in the heat and there is little cooling effect during the night.

If you ask the tourism board and the Chamber of Commerce they hate to read articles where we relate the highs in the Phoenix metro area with other areas of the country.  They are afraid that the chatter about our “heat” will scare away folks from other parts of the country.

These promotional folks try to remind us that with our low humidity Arizona has what is called a “dry” heat and that a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit on a dry day feels like the mid to upper nineties in other locals.

Air Conditioning is a way of life in the valley area.  Our dry desert air still needs plenty of air conditioning to keep us cool and comfortable.

For a tune-up, repair or even a replacement please consider using Aaron’s Mechanical Service, the home of Fast, Fair AC Repair.

We want to be fair in our articles and we know there are other pockets of dry and very hot around the county, Palm Springs and Death Valley California to name a couple.  But, the Phoenix metro area is the largest one in the country.  If you are looking for hot and dry we are the place to come.  Consider also that many folks vacation here in the winter months and go golfing and swimming at our resorts while it is freezing back home.  The yin and yang of it.

At Aaron’s Mechanical Service we want you to stay cool and comfortable all year round.  If your AC unit needs service or replacement please think of us and call at 623-388-4436 and we will come to you and solve your air conditioning service needs.

Presented by;
Aaron’s Mechanical Service

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